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「可持續發展」是甚麽?與「環保」有甚麽分別?「永續藝術」(Sustainability Art) 又是甚麽?
爲了回應這些重要問題,Artists Coop 在2019年進駐營運香港沙瀝公路下的一塊閑置土地,並將之轉化為具開創性的「永續藝術基地」。《永續藝術在當下》一書收錄了我們過去幾年在地方營造、藝術家駐場、展覽、社群和教育活動等方面的重要歷程與反思,並提出永續藝術作爲同理心、賦能、療癒和連結力量的觀點,讓當下的我們與未來的世代互惠共融。書中也有闡釋中華傳統文化的熏陶與永續藝術和可持續發展的關係,以及不同宗教的論點。
What is sustainability? How does it differ from environmental protection? What is sustainability art?
Sustainability Art Now uncovers these vital questions and more. Reflecting on the Sustainability Art Hub’s years of place making, artist residencies, exhibitions, and community programmes, it sets forth a vision of compassion, empowerment, healing, and connection, benefiting us in the present as much as future generations. Accounts from artists, art critics, administrators, and participants alike form a bilingual record of Hong Kong’s first project of this kind—a place for all and a force for healing through the medium of sustainability art.
Join us in celebrating a pioneering fusion of art and sustainability. Empower your students to think critically and act creatively towards a more sustainable future with this essential addition to your educational resources.